Here is an example where total income is 100. The red area is the cumulative income. The blue area represents the gap between cumulative income and perfect equality of income.
A country with a Gini coefficient of 0 would have no blue area visible, as the income for each individual is the same so the cumulative income function looks the same as the straight line average income function. Perfect inequality, on the other hand, would have virtually no red visible as all but one of the people earns nothing and the other person earns something.
In the real world, countries tend to fall between 0.25 or so on the low (equal) side and 0.6-0.7 on the high (unequal) side. The lower countries tend to be Scandanavian or Eastern European while the highest are often African or Latin American countries.
Let’s take a look at the Gini for team revenue in the Big 4 US sports leagues[1]: NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL.