As the
funstravaganza (not a real word) that is NFL free agency winds down, I am
reminded again that there is a structural reason that free agent contracts in
every sport pay more than players are “worth.” It turns out that the reason is
slightly more complicated than: The owners are all crazy (though it still
explains why Daniel Snyder, in particular, is crazy). The exception to this is the late 1980s in baseball,
when owners agreed to simply
not offer contracts to free agents from other teams. This actually
happened, you can look it up. It bears mentioning that if this were attempted
today, the internet would melt.
Econ 202
phenomenon is known in economics as the Winner’s Curse. In the late 1950s a
bunch of oil companies were wondering why they didn’t make any money on
offshore wells. The leases for these places were auctioned off competitively by
the government, with each company doing an analysis of what they thought the
asset was worth and putting in a bid that they felt would make them a good
return on their investment. That’s all well and good if everyone knows what the
asset is worth, but that’s not what happened. The big firms were losing out on
bids to the newer, little guys, and the little guys who won the leases weren’t
making any money, even though they found oil in some of the leases. After
several decades of this a few engineers from Atlantic Richfield Co. (later ARCO
and even later BP) stepped back to analyze these outcomes and the cause jumped
out at them. Capen, Clapp and Campbell identified the culprit as the
Winner’s Curse.
In the
auctions of offshore leases, each bidder had the same (limited) knowledge of
the value of each lease up for bid. They might be more or less optimistic but
they were working from the same data. The only additional piece of information
that such a bidder could receive is the outcome of the auction. In other words,
they wouldn’t know if they were too optimistic or pessimistic until they got to
the auction. Those who ended up winning belatedly realized they had been too
optimistic about the value of the asset (Hellooooooo Mr. Snyder).
![]() |
Normal Distribution - Mean 10, StDev 1 |
picture above shows the plot of likely offers for a free agent with an
intrinsic value of 10. Again, what’s important is not that the average of the
offers equals 10 but that they are in fact distributed because no team knows
the intrinsic value so they come in at various points on the curve. The player
and his agent will have no trouble deciding which offer to pick among the
options below (the green one!).
![]() |
I see the Redskins have entered the bidding... |
Sports World Complications
everyone knew precisely what a player was worth (if Daryl Morey ran every front
office) then the bids would be totally equal or would vary depending on the
value of a player to a particular situation. For example, Dwight Howard would be more valuable to the Celtics
than the Lakers because he would take minutes from Jermaine O’Neal in Boston as opposed to Andrew Bynum in LA. This team-specific value can
also be present in the NFL, though the fact that some players are more valuable
to some teams can be a security blanket for those owners (sorry Dan, still you)
who are consistently deluded about the “one missing piece” they need. Baseball,
on the other hand, tends to be a bit more team-neutral about where a player can
add the most value with the exception of aging sluggers being more valuable to
American League teams.
Winner’s Curse is a part of any system in which assets are auctioned to the
highest bidder. The free agent and salary cap systems in place in American
sports have additional quirks that prevent teams from even trying to evaluate
players rationally. Going back to the original example, if the oil company
didn’t see a lease at an appropriate price, they would close their wallets and
move on. The owner who does that (a bigger problem in baseball, hello Royals,
Orioles, Indians, Pirates) shoots himself in the foot because it’s a giant
white flag from a marketing perspective – at least until the revenue sharing
check shows up as some of these teams are inexplicably among the most profitable in baseball. Multi-year contracts screw this up
more because you can only sign the players who are out there even though this
may soak up cash that would otherwise be available in future years. If you are
a basketball team with enough space for two great players but the only ones
available are Charlie Villanueva and Ben Gordon, that’s what you get. If you
are a football team that needs to spend 89% of the cap at a minimum, you spend
it on free agents or cut an extra check to the players – given the same out of
pocket, wouldn’t you rather have the extra players?
One final
quirk that pushes contract values is the repeated game aspect of the system. If
a team drives too hard a bargain with an agent they may be blocked from future
deals with that agent and his other players. In a single game the team might
have a dominant strategy of holding out and going scorched earth, but this is
unlikely to be the case (fair enough, this part is on both sides) given that
they must continue to deal with agents in the future. The reason I’m so
confident that this bias acts in favor of the agent comes back to the publicity
factor. Agents can absorb bad publicity with no impact to their bottom line and
act as shields for their players. Organizations get dragged down by this bad
publicity and it can dissuade marginal fans from supporting the team.
the system is structured so that the owner most irrational (to the expensive
side) about the value of a player will always win – barring any hometown
discounts or desire to become global
From the
players’ side, almost every single thing in their life is telling them to take
the money. Their agent is pressing them to take it so they can get a couple
extra bucks. Other players want them to take it because it raises the comps for
their upcoming contracts. Family, friends and hangers-on want them to take it
because they want a piece of it, directly or indirectly. The players union
wants them to take it because they are the players union.
From the
teams’ side, there are at least competing priorities but they still appear
weighted towards overpaying. Even the most loyal fans are unwilling to prefer
delaying gratification in most cases – they’ll say they are but they’re not.
Team owners, who should be the voice of reason in this discussion, are often
the ones with the shortest time horizon of all (see Snyder, Daniel). The result
is a chart like this one demonstrating a strong correlation
between building through the draft in the NFL (with all its inherent salary advantages) and team success. Good teams have to
work extremely hard to avoid the quick fix (who wants a "D" or, god
forbid, an "Incomplete" in the Free Agency Grades????).
The easiest
way out of this, ironically, is the collusion attempted by the baseball owners
in the late 1980s. Within the scope of actual solutions, collective bargaining
agreements represent the owners’ best chance to handcuff themselves in free
agent bidding. Unsurprisingly, they always seem to find a way out.
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